Are you involved a commercial lease dispute due to COVID19? Godbout Law can skillfully advise businesses and landlords about their rights during this unprecedented shutdown. #property, #civillitigation
— Godbout Law PLLC, Attorneys at Law || Business Attorney Boston, Business Litigation Lawyer Boston, FINRA Arbitration Boston, Employment Law Attorney Boston, Malpractice Lawyers Massachusetts, Real Estate Litigation Attorney Massachusetts
by Godbout Law PLLC | Apr 10, 2020 | Business Litigation, Consumer Representation, Employment Law, FINRA Arbitration, Malpractice Lawyers, Real Estate Litigation

Are you involved a commercial lease dispute due to COVID19? Godbout Law can skillfully advise businesses and landlords about their rights during this unprecedented shutdown. property, civillitigation
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Godbout Law provides individuals and small to mid-sized businesses with legal representation in regards to breach of fiduciary duty damages.
If you are in need of legal representation in the case of a breach of fiduciary duty complaint, please consider contacting Godbout Law for a consultation.
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